Tote-Bin-Dumper-Ice-Crusher (TBDICS)
With the Tote-Bin-Dumper-Ice-Crusher (TBDICS), you can efficiently empty open top drums or bins and crush the containing frozen products into flakes.
Empty drums and bins with hard frozen product
Does your industry benefit from emptying drums or tote bins with frozen product and crushing it into smaller, manageable flakes for further processing or use?
Enhance processing efficiency and improve safety with the Tote-Bin-Dumper-Ice-Crusher (TBDICS) from Fluidor Equipment. Designed for an efficient emptying of open top drums or bins containing products like (hard frozen) fruit juices and fruit juice concentrates.
35 bins or 120 drums per hour
120 drums per hour* (when used in combination with 2x CIM)
29 bins or 70 drums/hour
*Without using Bag Squeezer, frozen drums well pre-thawed
How the TBDICS works:
- Per dumping cycle, 2 drums can be emptied. Hard frozen products in drums need to be pre-thawed until the frozen product block is free from the liner and drum.
- After production, the CIP cover can be closed and the twin screw can be used as a CIP circulation pump.
- The drums and bins are placed on the driven pallet roller conveyor system where the lid(s) are removed and liner(s) are opened.
- After opening, the drums and bins are transported in the holder of the TBDICS that can handle all the different types of packages.
- The drums and bins are clamped and lifted by stainless steel hydraulic cylinders and emptied in the hopper.
- The hydraulic operated grid is opened for frozen product and closed for liquid products in bags.
- The operator feeds the bottom part of the liner into the squeezer and the remaining product is squeezed out, reducing the product loss to a bare minimum.
- When dumping hard frozen products, the electric driven crusher with pins crushes the product into flakes.
- At the heated bottom of the hopper, the driven screw conveyor pushes the product into the twin screw product pump.
The TBDICS efficiently crushes product from tote bins into smaller, manageable pieces, preventing product loss and saving time.
The TBDICS is food safe according to the regulations and easy and safe to operate and clean.
The TBDICS has several extra options, can be integrated into automated production lines and can be combined with other Fluidor machines.