Fluidor Equipment is known for its excellent quality, long lifespan and ease of use. To ensure that you get the most out of our solutions, we provide you with excellent service after every project.
After-sales service
Mr. Bram Vermeulen
+31 (0) 162 58 14 66
Spare parts
Mr. Wing Ho Kwok
+31 (0) 162 58 14 68

Inspection & maintenance
Does your system need inspection and (preventive) maintenance? One of our experienced technicians will come by for a thorough inspection of your machinery. After this inspection, you will receive an inspection report from us, stating what may need to be replaced and what the costs are. You can replace it yourself or have it replaced by our technicians.
Is your system not functioning? For unexpected situations, we are ready to help you anywhere in the world with advice, spare parts and technicians.
Updates & upgrades
Does your system need an update or upgrade? We continuously improve our machines, based on the experiences we receive from our customers. Ask us for advice.